What Does a Cloud Strategy Consultant Do?

Let's breakdown what a Cloud Strategy Consultant actually does and why it might be worth using one.

What is Cloud Strategy Consulting?

A service known as cloud strategy consulting aids businesses in creating and carrying out a detailed plan for implementing and utilising cloud technologies. A cloud consultant collaborates with the company to determine its business goals and objectives, evaluate its present IT capabilities and infrastructure, and create a tailored strategy for utilising cloud services to meet those objectives. This often entails reviewing the organization’s current systems and data, performing cost-benefit calculations, and formulating recommendations for the best cloud deployment models and platforms. The consultant may also help with the strategy’s implementation, including cloud migration, system integration, on-going support, and upkeep. Ultimately, the purpose of cloud strategy consulting is to assist firms realise the benefits of cloud technology while avoiding the risks and costs associated with adoption.

What they typically do?

Depending on the requirements and objectives of the organisation, a cloud consultant’s specific duties may vary, however they typically consist of the following:

Defining business aims and goals: The cloud strategy consultant collaborates with the organisation to comprehend its specific needs and goals in order to design a cloud strategy that supports those goals.

Evaluating current IT infrastructure and capabilities: To ascertain whether the firm is ready to use the cloud, the consultant thoroughly evaluates its present IT infrastructure and systems, including its data, hardware, software, and processes.

Creating a personalised cloud strategy: Based on the assessment’s findings, the consultant collaborates with the organisation to create a cloud strategy that takes into consideration the firm’s business objectives, IT skills, and particular needs. This might involve suggestions for the best cloud platforms and deployment methodologies, as well as a strategy for cloud migration and system integration.

Putting the cloud strategy into practise: The consultant may help put the cloud strategy into practise by offering advice on cloud migration, assisting with the integration of cloud services with current systems, and providing ongoing support and maintenance.

consultants in a meeting

What skills should they have?

Some of the main skills that a cloud strategy consultant should possess include:

  • Understanding of various cloud deployment models and platforms. A cloud strategy consultant should be well-versed in the various cloud deployment models and platforms, including public, private, and hybrid clouds, in order to be able to suggest the best option for a given organization’s unique requirements.

    A cloud strategy consultant should have extensive knowledge of cloud security and compliance best practises and be able to assist organisations in making sure that their cloud deployments are secure and in compliance with pertinent laws and regulations, given the sensitive nature of many organisations’ data and systems.
  • Expertise with cloud migration and integration. A cloud strategy consultant should be able to help businesses plan and carry out a successful cloud migration. They should also have experience with the process of moving systems and data to the cloud. To ensure smooth and effective operation, they need also be skilled at integrating cloud services with current systems.
  • Good interpersonal and communication abilities are necessary for a cloud strategy consultant to work with businesses and assist them in understanding and implementing their cloud strategies. These abilities should go hand in hand with technological proficiency. This includes the capacity to communicate intricate technical ideas in easy terms to non-technical audiences and to cooperate with many teams and stakeholders.

What Services Should They Offer?

Cloud strategy consultants frequently provide the following services:

  • Cloud strategy development: A cloud strategy consultant can assist businesses in creating a detailed plan for implementing and utilising cloud computing. Usually, this entails determining the organization’s business goals and objectives, evaluating its current IT infrastructure and capabilities, and creating a tailored cloud strategy that supports those objectives.
  • Design of the organization’s cloud architecture: The consultant can offer advice on this topic, as well as suggestions for the best cloud platforms and deployment strategies, as well as integration of cloud services with current systems.
  • Assistance with cloud migration: The consultant can help with the design, implementation, ongoing support, and maintenance phases of moving systems and data to the cloud.
  • Cloud cost study: To assist the business in making decisions regarding its cloud strategy, the consultant can undertake a thorough analysis of the potential expenses connected with the organization’s suggested cloud solution, including any savings on hardware, software, and maintenance costs.

For the organization’s cloud environment, the consultant can offer continuing support and maintenance, including troubleshooting, performance optimisation, updates, and upgrades to guarantee the cloud solution’s sustained efficacy and efficiency.

consultants in a meeting with sun shining through

What are the benefits of working with one?

Working with a cloud consultant has a variety of possible advantages, including:

  • Enhanced efficiency: By utilising the scalability and flexibility of cloud technology, a cloud strategy consultant may assist businesses in maximising the efficiency of their IT operations. This may lead to increased productivity and performance as well as lower expenses and less downtime.

    Collaboration is improved because to cloud technology, which allows businesses to work more efficiently with both internal and external partners. Organizations can create and deploy cloud solutions that enable collaboration, enhance communication, and streamline coordination with the aid of a cloud strategy consultant.
  • Cost savings: A cloud strategy consultant may assist businesses in lowering their IT expenditures, including savings on hardware, software, and maintenance costs, by completing a thorough cost analysis and suggesting the best cloud platforms and deployment methods.
  • Improved security and compliance: A cloud strategy consultant can assist businesses in making sure their cloud installations are safe and in compliance with all applicable rules and laws. Organizations can avoid costly security breaches and fines for non-compliance by doing this.
  • Access to knowledge and experience: Hiring a cloud strategy consultant gives businesses access to that person’s knowledge and experience with cloud computing. This can assist businesses in avoiding typical traps and helping them decide on their cloud strategy with knowledge.

If you’re looking to adopt cloud or improve your cloud infrastructure with the latest in tools and best practices. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Autimo. We’ve helped numerous businesses get their cloud infrastructure back on track. Making the most out of the cloud services they need to grow their organization.

Will Sheldon

Founder & CEO

Will is the founder and CEO of Autimo. He created Autimo as a way to fill the gap of skilled Cloud and Devops engineering in the market. His vision is to democratize cloud knowledge and ‘raise the water’ level of cloud engineering competency for everyone.

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